Your privacy is important to us. Thus, this document explains what data we collect from users, how we use it, and what it is used for, among other things. Those over the age of 14 may register as users without the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives. In the case of children under 14 years of age, or those identified as “legally incapacitated” we will always need the consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

For your information, we will never request more information than we really need to provide the services requested. We will never share it with third parties, except to comply with a legal obligation, or with your prior authorization. And we will never use your data for another purpose not previously indicated.

As a User, you should read this Privacy Policy carefully on a regular basis, and whenever you enter your personal data, as this document may undergo changes; the Provider may modify any type of information appearing on the website in order to comply with regulations, or update the policy, without it having an obligation to previously notify or inform users of these obligations, their publication on the Provider’s website being sufficient.


Identity: FORMASPACK. FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. (also the Provider)

NIF (Tax ID): A39412747

Postal address: PARQUE EMPRESARIAL BESAYA C-E S/N, 39060 REOCIN, (Cantabria)

Email address: marí

Data Protection Officer: ASBFACILITIES

DPO Contact:

FORMASPACK. FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U., as the party responsible for the Website, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 (LOPDGDD) and other current legal regulations on the protection of personal data, and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE), hereby informs you that it has implemented the necessary security measures of a technical and organizational nature to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data entered.

DATA COLLECTION METHOD AND THE DATA THAT WE COLLECT: We collect the following data in the following ways:

through the contact form: name, email address, age, phone number

through the registration form: name, email address, age

through the newsletter subscription form: name, email address

through the webinar registration form: name, email address

through subscription to the forum and/or comments in it: name, email address,

through the downloading of content: name and email address

through the e-commerce data collection form: name, address, email address, age, phone number, bank details or information about a credit or debit card

No data corresponding to specially protected categories is processed.


Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes, with you granting your consent for each of the purposes in the corresponding section of the website:

contact form: to respond to inquiries and/or provide information required of the User;

registration form: for the creation of a User account and so that you can access the website’s different features;

newsletter subscription form: to send commercial advertising communications via email, SMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, in the event that the User has expressly provided their consent;

webinar registration form: to participate in our webinar;

forum subscription and/or comments in it: when the User has registered for the forum, he/she may comment in it, both to ask and answer questions;

download content as a member: to update and send content as a subscriber thereof;

If you contract the service/purchase the product through our website [LSSI_Website] we will ask you to provide us with information about yourself, including your name, contact details, and credit or debit card information.

Internal information system: the processing of personal data in order to manage the internal information system or ethical channel, investigate facts, and propose remedial measures; prevent regulatory breaches and correct those already detected; as well as contribute to the effectiveness of the organization’s operation through the continuous improvement of internal processes for the management and control of conduct that is illegal or contrary to its ethical culture.

Other purposes:

  • Carry out the commercial, administrative, fiscal and accounting procedures that are necessary under current legislation;
  • Get your opinion and improve the services provided by the website;
  • Carry out profiling and website usability analysis through cookies (mentioned in the cookie policy);
  • Social media: the use of social media is addressed in the corresponding section.

Use of Photographs: Photographs posted on the website are the property of FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U., including those of minors. In order to obtain them, the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives was obtained through the signing of the forms prepared for this purpose by the centers to which the minors belong. However, the minors’ parents, guardians and representatives, as the holders of their children’s rights, after a formal request in writing, may express their refusal to cede the minor’s image, in which case it will be pixelated.

You may revoke your consent at any time by sending a message, indicating “Unsubscribe” in the Subject line, to the email address indicated.

In accordance with the LSSICE (Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Law) FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. does not engage in SPAM practices. As such, it does not send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the User. Consequently, every email that is sent to users will offer the express option of unsubscribing.

We will not process your personal data for any purposes other than those described, except if required by law or a court order.

Your data will not be subject to decisions based on automated processing that may affect it.


The legal grounds for the processing of your data is your consent, granted when you provide it on the corresponding form to pursue the purposes in question by marking the corresponding box.

The prospective or commercial offering of products and services is also based on the consent that is requested, though in no case will the withdrawal of consent affect the execution of the subscription contract.

Failure to provide the personal data requested, or not accepting this Privacy Policy, renders it impossible to achieve the purposes described above.

In cases where there is an existing contractual relationship between the parties, the grounds for satisfying the administrative, tax, accounting and labor obligations that are necessary under applicable law shall be the prior existence of the commercial relationship entered into by the parties.

Internal information system: the purpose of the processing is legitimized by a legal obligation: Law 2/2023 of February 20 governing the protection of people who report regulatory violations and the fight against corruption.


Your data will be kept for the duration of your business relationship with us, or until you exercise your cancellation, objection or consent revocation right. Even if you have exercised your rights properly, we must keep your data duly blocked for the periods legally provided for in the applicable provisions.

Data will be kept as long as is necessary to comply with the purpose for which it was collected. In any case, once three (3) months have elapsed since entering the data, it shall be removed from the complaint system unless the purpose of the retention is to provide evidence of the model’s operation to prevent the commission of crimes by the legal person. After said period, data may continue to be processed by the body responsible for investigating the facts reported, not being kept in the internal complaint information system itself.


FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. does not carry out any transfers or communications of data either inside or outside the EU. The Provider will only give information to security forces and bodies in response to a court order, or in order to comply with a legal regulation, without prejudice to being able to block or cancel accounts if there are indications of the commission of any crime by the User. Only the information that the Provider has at the time will be disclosed or transferred.

The information you provide to us through this website will be hosted on the servers that FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. has contracted with the company that provides the web hosting service. The processing of the entity’s data is regulated by a data processor contract between the Provider and this company.

Personal data collected may be communicated to the public administration competent in the matter, or to third parties, when necessary for the adoption of disciplinary measures, or for the carrying out of the pertinent legal proceedings.


As a User/interested party, you may ask to exercise the following rights before FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. by sending a letter to the postal address in the heading or an email to marí, indicating in the Subject line: “DATA PROTECTION: THE RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS,” attaching a photocopy of YOUR DNI or any other similar legal means of identification.


  • Access right: allows the subject to know and obtain information about their personal data being processed.
  • Right to rectification or deletion: allows one to correct errors and edit data that is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Cancellation right: allows for the deletion of inadequate or excessive data.
  • Objection right: the right of the data subject to ask that his or her personal data never be, or no longer be, processed.
  • Processing limitation: the marking of personal data stored in order to limit its future processing, for the bringing of or defense from claims.
  • Portability of the data: transfer of the data being processed to the subject so that he or she can transmit it to another party without any impediments.
  • The right not to be subject to automated individual decisions (including profiling): the right not to be the subject of a decision based on automated processing with significant effects

As a User, you also have the right to withdraw your consent, if given, at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing previously carried out.

You also have the right to submit a claim to the supervisory authority if you believe that your rights may have been violated in relation to the protection of your data (



The information you provide will be processed confidentially. The Provider has adopted all the technical and organizational measures, and all the protection levels, necessary to ensure that data is processed securely and is not altered, lost, stolen, or illegally processed or accessed, in accordance with the latest technology and the nature of the data stored. Likewise, it also guaranteed that its processing and registration in files, programs, systems or devices, and at premises and centers, comply with the integrity and security requirements and conditions set down in the applicable laws.


The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish. Therefore, if there are any contradictions between any of the versions provided in other languages, the Spanish version shall prevail.


Users who access this website explicitly consent to the use of this generic information for profiling and data segmentation and categorization for the purposes described in the previous section.


We hereby inform you that FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. may have a presence on social media. The processing of the data that is carried out belonging to people who become followers on social media (and/or carry out any link or connection action through it) of the official pages of FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. will be governed by this section; as well as those usage conditions, privacy policies and access regulations corresponding to the relevant social network in each case, previously accepted by the User.

FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. will process your data for the purposes of correctly managing your presence on the social media platform, and to inform you of the Provider’s activities, products or services, as well as for any other purpose that the rules of the social media platforms allow.

The posting of the following content is prohibited:

– Any that is ostensibly unlawful under national, EU or international laws, or that involves activities that are ostensibly unlawful, or that violate the principles of good faith.

– Any that violates the fundamental rights of people, show a lack of courtesy on the network, or that perturb or may result in negative opinions among our users, or third parties; or any that, in general, contain any content that [RF_RazonSocial] deems inappropriate.

– In general, any content that violates the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility; the protection of human dignity, minors, public order, privacy, the consumer, or intellectual and industrial property rights.

Likewise, FORMASPACK. FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. reserves the right to remove from the website or the corporate social network, without prior notice, any content that is considered inappropriate.

In any case, if you submit personal information through the social network, [RF_RazonSocial] you will be exempt from liability in relation to the security measures applicable to this platform. If you wish to know them, you should consult the corresponding particular conditions of the network in question.


If a User sends his/her CV through our website, he or she is informed that the data provided will be processed so that he or she may participate in the selection process, with an analysis of the applicant’s profile being carried out in order to select the best candidate for the job opening. We inform you that this is the only official procedure to accept your CV, so any submitted by a different procedure will not be accepted.
In the event of any changes in your data, please notify us in writing as soon as possible so that we can keep your data duly updated.
Your data will be kept for a maximum of one year, after which it will be deleted, guaranteeing total respect for confidentiality both in its processing and subsequent destruction. If you wish to continue participating in the selection processes, please send us your CV again.
Your data may be processed and/or conveyed to the companies making up our group during your CV’s retention period and for the same purposes as previously stated.


Users who subscribe to the blog are informed that the data they provide will be processed to manage their subscription to the information blog, with an update notice, and that it will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest in pursuing the end of the processing. When no longer necessary for this purpose, it will be removed with appropriate security measures to ensure the data’s pseudonymization or its total destruction. The data will not be disclosed to third parties, except in order to comply with a legal obligation.


Users who wish to participate in the website’s forums are informed that the data they provide will be processed to regulate their participation in them. Any registration or transmission of personal data provided by a User of a forum entails their knowledge and unequivocal acceptance of the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy appearing on the website. The data will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest in pursuing the purpose of the processing. When it is no longer necessary for this purpose, it will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the data’s pseudonymization (if applicable) or its total destruction. Posts will be publicly displayed to online forum users.

FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. will not be held responsible for any content posted in the forum entered by a registered User. Content posted only expresses the author’s point of view. The authors of comments agree not to use this blog to post or link to any defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, abusive, offensive, or adult content, or spam, or content that violates copyrights, the law, and public order, in general. If, in the moderators’ view, comments uploaded may harm and/or violate the rights of third parties, they may be deleted without explanation.


Users who wish to publish their opinions on the website are informed that the data they provide will be processed to respond to their suggestions, experiences or opinions regarding the products and/or service, thus making it possible to help other users. The data will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest in pursuing the purpose of its processing. When it is no longer necessary for this purpose, it will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the data’s pseudonymization (if applicable) or its total destruction. Testimonials will be published on our website. The only personal data of those providing testimonials will be their names.


FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.


Consent given by subjects for both the processing of their data, and/or its transfer, is revocable at any time by contacting FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. in accordance with the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of rights. Under no circumstances will this revocation be retroactive in nature.


In general, the relations between FORMASPACK FORMAS Y ENVASES S.A.U. and the Users of its telematic services on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction, to which the parties expressly submit, the Courts and Tribunals of Cantabria being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to their use.

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